Site Remediation Services
If your business or facility has experienced hazardous waste spills you’re going to need a remediation professional to conduct a thorough assessment of your site to check for significant contamination. Soil and groundwater tests may be necessary to detect the presence of petroleum hydrocarbons. Assessment is necessary to avoid long-term damage to people and the environment. When we conduct an environmental site assessment, we take a look at your site as it is currently and the previous history of your site along with the surrounding area. This allows us to determine the extent of the intrusive contamination and helps us to develop a plan for environmental remediation. Once the extent of the contamination is determined, we can then begin the process of site remediation. Remediation is the process of removing contaminated soil, removing contaminated surface water or groundwater with the purpose of protecting human health and the environment.
Restoring Your Property Through Site Remediation
Regardless of if you have a major oil spill or have gas tanker rollover, you’re going to be subject to an array of regulatory requirements when conducting spill response cleanup. When it comes to restoring your property to its pre-spill condition there is a wide range of possible solutions for you to consider. From in situ chemical oxidation and enhanced bioremediation to vapor intrusion barriers and soil mixing we have a solution to fit your needs. It really is amazing how today’s advanced environmental remediation solutions are increasingly strategic in how our remediation professionals can effectively target various contaminant phases, their types, locations, and the level of concentration in groundwater, soil, and surface water. If you operate a convenience store and have underground storage tanks (UST) on your property, you have your own set of challenges. Avoiding disruption to surrounding businesses, should a spill occur is of paramount importance. That’s why it’s important to have a Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure plan (SPCC) in place prior to remedial action.

At North Texas Spill Response, we are proud to offer professional site remediation services that include consultancy services, site investigation, excavating and site disposal of any contaminated materials. All of our spill response and remediation services are centered around mitigating your environment liabilities in a cost-effective and people-friendly way.
Environmental Remdiation Services
Removing Contaminants From The Environment
Once you’ve detected contaminants on your property, the next step is coming up with a plan to remove these contaminants. Be it contaminated soil, groundwater, surface water, or sediment, there is no one solution for each type of site cleanup need. For example, using soil contamination methods to remove groundwater contamination is not effective and vice versa. During soil excavation sampling must be done on a continuous basis to ensure all hazardous material is removed and ongoing sampling data must be available for regulatory review. With groundwater treatment may require biological, chemical, and physical treatment, which may include “pump and treat” measures.
Contaminated Surface Water

The acceptable ways to remove contaminants from surface water are absorbent fences and water treatment solutions sprayed onto the surface of the water. They work best to absorb, oxidize, and break down hydrocarbon contamination. At North Texas Spill Response, we use a solution called ELMN8 and then test the water to ensure all contaminants are removed.
Contaminated Soil

Treatment of contaminated soil can include flushing contaminants out of the soil using water, chemical solvents, or air. Of course, there are other methods of removing hazardous material in soil, such as containment, encouraging natural organisms to break the contaminants down, or even incineration or blending contaminated soil with good hardy soil.
Contaminated Groundwater

As mentioned previously, when it comes to the remediation of contaminated groundwater, there are various acceptable techniques. They include biological, chemical, and physical treatment options. The “pump and treat” option is where you vacuum the bad water and purify it using absorbent materials that remove the contaminants from the groundwater.
Emergency Spill Response And Remediation
What Makes Us The Leader In Spill Response?
Regardless of the type of hazardous material spill you encounter, having the right team in place to respond quickly and provide spill cleanup services, as well as remediation, is of the utmost importance. So, what makes North Texas Spill Response the go-to environmental services company in North Texas for quick haz waste response cleanup? First, our entire team of spill response professionals is trained, certified, and experienced in the mitigation and remediation of all types of hydrocarbon contaminations. Be it a gas spill at a busy convenience store or a hydraulic oil release at a manufacturing facility. We have the manpower, knowledge, and equipment to clean up whatever mess you have.
At North Texas Spill Response, our technicians are in a constant state of readiness. We’re ready for whatever environmental services need you may have. From hazardous waste treatment and removal to rapid response and containment of an oil spill, our team of unmatched professionals will work hard to mitigate your loss as quickly as possible. While we do suggest that you consult with us prior to the need for our services, we do offer a 24-hour emergency response phone number for you to call. 940-310-7193. So whether you need oil spill cleanup in Mckinney to you need Irving hazmat cleanup for a gas spill, contact North Texas Spill Response for immediate assistance.